Geeky Bobbin Presentation at April Meeting

Please join us on Tuesday, April 4, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. with a hybrid meeting both in-person at the Vittoria Community Centre and using the Zoom app.

Agnes Bobbie Gentili of The Geeky Bobbin will be presenting a Trunk Show “My Quilting Journey”. Each quilt is a story that is written, in fabric and thread. It’s a way to express what’s in the creator’s heart.

It took a few decades, but Bobbie Gentili finally found the right outlet for her lifelong creativity and love of mathematics when she was introduced to modern quilting. She now spends every waking moment designing quilt patterns, curating beautiful fabrics, and teaching quilters how to level up their skills, so they can rock any quilt making challenge.

Bobbie’s patterns feature bold, geometric designs, playing with curves and long strips to give a sense of movement. She finds inspiration in science, nature, and geeky culture.

Bobbie lives in Toronto, where her husband, two young children, and cats enjoy any scraps of her attention that can be stolen from quilting.

Website: Geeky Bobbin

Youtube: Geeky Bobbin

Find out more about the rest of this year’s presenters here.

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