Gloria Loughman’s Presentation at December Meeting

Please join us on Tuesday, December 7, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. using the Zoom app.

At approximately 2:15 p.m., Gloria Loughman will present “Modern and Colour-filled Landscape Quilts”. Underlying all her work is a passion for colour and the ongoing challenge to capture light.

Gloria lives in Victoria, Australia. Her invitation to patchwork quilting happened over 30 years ago while recovering from chemotherapy from breast cancer.

Her passion is large landscape quilts, depicting not only the Australian bush, but also scenes from around the world seen during her travels. Most of the textiles used have been hand-dyed or painted and feature extensive machine embroidery. In more recent times, her landscapes have become more abstract as she has played with pattern and colour. Underlying all Gloria’s work is a passion for colour and the ongoing challenge to capture light in her work.

Gloria is a secondary teacher by trade, and she has taught many quilting classes globally. Her students sometimes take more than one class from her. What an accolade to have returning students!

Gloria has had several exhibitions of her quilts, and has written four books. She has also won the Rajah award for her outstanding contribution to Australian quilt making.

What was once therapy has become a passion for her. Not many of us get to say that!

Website: Gloria Loughman

Zoom link will be sent a few days before the meeting.

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